Sedation Dentist – Euless, TX

Experience a More Relaxing Dental Visit

Relaxing woman laying on her back with eyes closed

Visiting the dentist can be a difficult experience for some patients. To ease the stress and fear that many individuals face, we at Pleasant Dental are pleased to offer sedation dentistry. Using nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation, we can help patients feel more at ease and comfortable during their visit so that proper dental care is provided. If you are worried about an upcoming visit, call us to find out if sedation dentistry might be right for you.

Why Choose Pleasant Dental for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Two Types of Sedation Available
  • Calm & Relaxing Dental Office
  • Dentist Who Cares About Your Comfort

Oral Conscious Sedation

Close up of person holding white pill

Using a pill medication to put patients at ease, oral conscious sedation can be an ideal option for anyone who is fearful of needles or who has moderate to severe forms of dental anxiety. An individual is instructed to take the medication before their appointment so that once in the dentist’s chair, they feel relaxed and ready to undergo treatment. Feeling almost as if they are falling asleep, they can be easily aroused when needing to respond to dental cues. Because effects can take time to dissipate, a patient must have someone escort them home after their appointment.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Woman in dental chair wearing nitrous oxide mask

As a common form of sedation used in dental offices, nitrous oxide is also referred to as laughing gas. Its mild effects come on quickly and dissipate just as fast. Patients who choose this type of sedation can expect to feel fully relaxed and even euphoric throughout treatment. The fear of pain is quickly alleviated once the gas mixture is turned on and the individual begins to inhale. In minutes, our team can begin to administer treatment, and as soon as the gas is turned off, patients can resume regular activity following their appointment.